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/ opt / logstash / vendor / jruby / lib / ruby / shared / tempfile.rb

# JRuby 1.7.x and lower implements most of tempfile as a JRuby ext. This
# file simple loads that ext and then adds the additional functions that
# control how tempfile name is generated.

require 'delegate' # Unused; here for compatibility
require 'tmpdir'
require 'thread' # Unused; here for compatibility

require 'tempfile.jar'

class Tempfile
  include Dir::Tmpname

# Creates a temporally file as usual File object (not Tempfile).
# It don't use finalizer and delegation.
# If no block is given, this is similar to Tempfile.new except
# creating File instead of Tempfile.
# The created file is not removed automatically.
# You should use File.unlink to remove it.
# If a block is given, then a File object will be constructed,
# and the block is invoked with the object as the argument.
# The File object will be automatically closed and
# the temporally file is removed after the block terminates.
# The call returns the value of the block.
# In any case, all arguments (+*args+) will be treated as Tempfile.new.
#   Tempfile.create('foo', '/home/temp') do |f|
#      ... do something with f ...
#   end
def Tempfile.create(basename, *rest)
  tmpfile = nil
  Dir::Tmpname.create(basename, *rest) do |tmpname, n, opts|
    mode = File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL
    perm = 0600
    if opts
      mode |= opts.delete(:mode) || 0
      opts[:perm] = perm
      perm = nil
      opts = perm
    tmpfile = File.open(tmpname, mode, opts)
  if block_given?
      yield tmpfile
      tmpfile.close if !tmpfile.closed?
      File.unlink tmpfile