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/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / activesupport-3.2.17 / lib / active_support / benchmarkable.rb

require 'active_support/core_ext/benchmark'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys'

module ActiveSupport
  module Benchmarkable
    # Allows you to measure the execution time of a block in a template and records the result to
    # the log. Wrap this block around expensive operations or possible bottlenecks to get a time
    # reading for the operation. For example, let's say you thought your file processing method
    # was taking too long; you could wrap it in a benchmark block.
    #  <% benchmark "Process data files" do %>
    #    <%= expensive_files_operation %>
    #  <% end %>
    # That would add something like "Process data files (345.2ms)" to the log, which you can then
    # use to compare timings when optimizing your code.
    # You may give an optional logger level (:debug, :info, :warn, :error) as the :level option.
    # The default logger level value is :info.
    #  <% benchmark "Low-level files", :level => :debug do %>
    #    <%= lowlevel_files_operation %>
    #  <% end %>
    # Finally, you can pass true as the third argument to silence all log activity (other than the
    # timing information) from inside the block. This is great for boiling down a noisy block to 
    # just a single statement that produces one log line:
    #  <% benchmark "Process data files", :level => :info, :silence => true do %>
    #    <%= expensive_and_chatty_files_operation %>
    #  <% end %>
    def benchmark(message = "Benchmarking", options = {})
      if logger
        options.assert_valid_keys(:level, :silence)
        options[:level] ||= :info

        result = nil
        ms = Benchmark.ms { result = options[:silence] ? silence { yield } : yield }
        logger.send(options[:level], '%s (%.1fms)' % [ message, ms ])

    # Silence the logger during the execution of the block.
    def silence
      old_logger_level, logger.level = logger.level, ::Logger::ERROR if logger
      logger.level = old_logger_level if logger