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vistahigherlearning / logstash   deb

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require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'

class Module
  # A module may or may not have a name.
  #   module M; end
  #   M.name # => "M"
  #   m = Module.new
  #   m.name # => ""
  # A module gets a name when it is first assigned to a constant. Either
  # via the +module+ or +class+ keyword or by an explicit assignment:
  #   m = Module.new # creates an anonymous module
  #   M = m          # => m gets a name here as a side-effect
  #   m.name         # => "M"
  def anonymous?
    # Uses blank? because the name of an anonymous class is an empty
    # string in 1.8, and nil in 1.9.