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/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / awesome_print-1.2.0 / CHANGELOG

1.2.0 <-- NOTE: This is the *last* release supporting Ruby < v1.9.3 and Rails < v3.
  - Added Sequel ORM plugin (Jonathan Davies)
  - Added Ripple plugin (Ruby modeling layer for Riak, Scott Hyndman)
  - Added NoBrainer plugin (Ruby ORM for RethinkDB, Nicolas Viennot)
  - Added formatting for Ruby set objects (Richard Hall)
  - Fixed HTML formatting (Mike McQuaid)
  - Other minor bugs and enhancements

  - Objects are no longer recursively formatted by default. Reenable by using :raw => true option.
  - ap(object) now returns nil when running under IRB or Pry
  - Added support for Mongoid 3 and Moped (Nikolaj Nikolajsen)
  - Improved formatting of MongoMapper objects (George .)
  - ActiveRecord::Relation now renders as array (Dan Lynn)
  - Formatting BigDecimal no longer looses precision (Evan Senter)
  - Added AwesomePrint.irb! and AwesomePrint.pry! convenience methods
  - Fixed conflict with the colorize gem
  - Misc tweaks and bug fixes

  - Added formatting of Mongoid documents (Adam Doppelt)
  - ActiveRecord objects display attributes only. Use :raw => true to display the entire object
  - ActiveSupport::Date objects get formatted as regular Date
  - Rails.logger.ap colorizes output based on ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging (default is true)
  - Improved formatting of methods array

  - Updated repo tags for Rubygems.org

1.0.0 Thanksgiving edition
  - Added ability to format *arbitrary* Ruby object
  - Added :limit option to limit large output for arrays and hashes (Andrew Horsman)
  - Improved HTML formatting when :html => true (Daniel Johnson)
  - Added Mongoid extension (Adam Doppelt)
  - Added Nokogiri extension (Adam Doppelt)
  - Removed Jeweler gem dependency

  - 'ap object' now returns the object (Stephan Hagemann)
  - Added :html => true option to enable HTML colors rather that ANSI (ex. Sinatra templates)
  - Added AwesomePrint.force_colors! to allow color output on demand (Andrew O'Brien)
  - Added MongoMapper formatter mixin (Elpizo Choi)
  - Fixed formatting of methods array when object#method is overridden
  - Fixed potential stack errors by checking whether AwesomePrint is already loaded
  - Improved Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 compatibility
  - Improved Windows compatibility (Viktar Basharymau)

  - Make sure Rails mixins get loaded in Rails console when required from .irbrc
  - Fixed an issue with classes that define their own #send method (ex: Socket)
  - Fixed compatibility issue with Liquid gem that defines Module#liquid_methods
  - Fixed hash spec for Ruby < 1.9 where order of hash keys is not guaranteed
  - Added :sorted_hash_keys option to sort hash keys (Ed Ruder)

0.3.1 RubyConf X edition
  - Fixed Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility issues (thanks, Tim!)
  - Fixed stack overflow issue with Rails 2.3.x console

  - Display object.methods and family in human readable format
  - Objects inherited from Array, Hash, File, Dir, and Struct are shown as their base class
  - Added option to suppress array index in output (Sean Gallagher)
  - Updated README on how to set up ~/.irbrc for MacRuby (Eloy Duran)
  - Specs pass 100% with Ruby 1.8.7/RSpec 1.3 and Ruby 1.9.2/RSpec 2.0

  - ap can now be used within Rails templates (ex. <%= ap object %>)
  - Added support for printing Struct

  - Added support for logger.ap (including Rails logger)
  - Added support for HashWithIndifferentAccess from ActiveSupport
  - ap now works with scripts that use ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport outside Rails
  - ap now correctly shows file and directory names with fancy characters (shell escape)

  - Format BigDecimal and Rational objects as Float scalars
  - Explicit options parameter can override custom defaults
  - Custom defaults are not interfering when running specs
  - Custom defaults now work correctly with Ruby 1.9.x

  - Added support for setting custom defaults in ~/.aprc
  - Correctly handle empty arrays and hashes
  - Use alias_method instead of alias (fixes non-tty method aliasing)
  - Added awesome_inspect method

  - Added support for tableless ActiveRecord models
  - Left align hash keys if @options[:indent] is negative
  - Initial Release.