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vistahigherlearning / logstash   deb

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/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / extlib-0.9.16 / lib / extlib / array.rb

require 'extlib/mash'

class Array

  # Transforms an Array of key/value pairs into a Hash
  # This is a better idiom than using Hash[*array.flatten] in Ruby 1.8.6
  # because it is not possible to limit the flattening to a single
  # level.
  # @return [Hash]
  #   A Hash where each entry in the Array is turned into a key/value
  # @api public
  def to_hash
    h = {}
    each { |k,v| h[k] = v }

  # Transforms an Array of key/value pairs into a Mash
  # This is a better idiom than using Mash[*array.flatten] in Ruby 1.8.6
  # because it is not possible to limit the flattening to a single
  # level.
  # @return [Mash]
  #   A Hash where each entry in the Array is turned into a key/value
  # @api public
  def to_mash
    m = Mash.new
    each { |k,v| m[k] = v }
end # class Array