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vistahigherlearning / logstash   deb

Repository URL to install this package:

/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / hitimes-1.2.1-java / ext / hitimes / c / hitimes_instant_windows.c


#include "hitimes_interval.h"

 * returns the conversion factor, this value is used to convert
 * the value from hitimes_get_current_instant() into seconds
long double hitimes_instant_conversion_factor()
    LARGE_INTEGER ticks_per_second;
    QueryPerformanceFrequency( &ticks_per_second );
    return (double)ticks_per_second.QuadPart;

 * returns the number of ticks
hitimes_instant_t hitimes_get_current_instant()
    return (hitimes_instant_t)tick.QuadPart;
