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A Ruby binding to the state-of-the-art Networking and Cryptography library by Daniel J. Bernstein. This is NOT Google Native Client. This is a crypto library.

On a completely unrelated topic, RbNaCl is also the empirical formula for Rubidium Sodium Chloride.

Need help with RbNaCl? Join the RbNaCl Google Group. We're also on IRC at #cryptosphere on irc.freenode.net

Why NaCl?

NaCl is a different kind of cryptographic library. In the past crypto libraries were kitchen sinks of little bits and pieces, like ciphers, MACs, signature algorithms, and hash functions. To accomplish anything you had to make a lot of decisions about which specific pieces to use, and if any of your decisions were wrong, the result was an insecure system. The choices are also not easy: EAX? GCM? CCM? AES-CTR? CMAC? OMAC1? AEAD? NIST? CBC? CFB? CTR? ECB? OMGWTFBBQ!

NaCl puts cryptography on Rails! Instead of making you choose which cryptographic primitives to use, NaCl provides convention over configuration in the form of expertly-assembled high-level cryptographic APIs that ensure not only the confidentiality of your data, but also detect tampering. These high-level, easy-to-use APIs are designed to be hard to attack by default in ways primitives exposed by libraries like OpenSSL are not.

This approach makes NaCl a lot closer to a system like GPG than it is to the cryptographic primitive APIs in a library like OpenSSL. In addition, NaCl also uses state-of-the-art encryption, including Curve25519 elliptic curves and the XSalsa20 stream cipher. This means with NaCl you not only get a system which is designed to be secure-by-default, you also get one which is extremely fast with comparatively small cryptographic keys.

For more information on NaCl's goals, see Dan Bernstein's presentation Blaming the Cryptographic User

Is it any good?


Supported platforms

You can use RbNaCl anywhere you can get libsodium installed (see below). RbNaCl is continuously integration tested on the following Ruby VMs:

  • MRI 2.0
  • MRI 1.9 (YARV)
  • JRuby 1.7 (in both 1.8/1.9 mode)
  • Rubinius HEAD (in both 1.8/1.9 mode)

In theory Windows should be supported, although there are not yet any reports of successful Windows users.



RbNaCl is implemented as a Ruby FFI binding, which is designed to bind to shared libraries. Unfortunately NaCl does not presently ship a shared library, so RbNaCl cannot take advantage of it via FFI. RbNaCl will support usage with the upstream NaCl once it is able to compile a shared library.

For now, to use RbNaCl, you will need to install libsodium, a portable version of NaCl based upon the reference C code. Please see the libsodium project for information regarding installation:


For OS X users, libsodium is available via homebrew and can be installed with:

brew install libsodium

RbNaCl gem

Once you have libsodium installed, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rbnacl'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rbnacl

Inside of your Ruby program do:

require 'rbnacl'

...to pull it in as a dependency.


RbNaCl's documentation can be found in the Wiki. The following features are supported:

  • Secret-key Encryption: authenticated symmetric encryption using a single key shared among parties
  • Public-key Encryption: securely send messages to a given public key which can only be decrypted by a secret key
  • Digital Signatures: sign messages with a private key which can be verified by a public one
  • Authenticators: create codes which can be used to check the authenticity of messages
  • Hash Functions: compute a secure, fixed-length code from a message which does not reveal the contents of the message

Additional power-user features are available. Please see the Wiki for further information.

RDoc documentation is also available.

Security Notes

NaCl itself has been expertly crafted to avoid a whole range of side-channel attacks, however the RbNaCl code itself has not been written with the same degree of expertise. While the code is straightforward it should be considered experimental until audited by professional cryptographers.

That said, it's probably still a million times better than OpenSSL...

Using Signed Gems

The RbNaCl gem is signed by Tony Arcieri's certificate, which identifies as bascule@gmail.com. You can obtain the official certificate with:

curl https://raw.github.com/cryptosphere/rbnacl/master/bascule.cert > /tmp/bascule.cert
gem cert -a /tmp/bascule.cert

You can verify the authenticity of bascule.cert by its SHA256 hash:

$ shasum -a 256 bascule.cert
6e8b7e53d347ca6c6d214efef2b923aadecdd7650565f0eb1d8d0419723ae20c  bascule.cert

If you get a different number than 6e8b7e53..., this is not the cert you are looking for!

If you'd like to install the gem in high security mode, run:

gem install rbnacl-1.0.0.gem -P HighSecurity

Reporting Security Problems

If you have discovered a bug in RbNaCl of a sensitive nature, i.e. one which can compromise the security of RbNaCl users, you can report it securely by sending a GPG encrypted message. Please use the following key:


The key fingerprint is (or should be):

190E 42D6 8327 A515 BFDF AAE0 B210 269D BB2D 8787

Learn More

While NaCl has designed to be easier-than-usual to use for a crypto library, cryptography is an incredibly difficult subject and it's always helpful to know as much as you can about it before applying it to a particular use case. That said, the creator of NaCl, Dan Bernstein, has published a number of papers about NaCl. If you are interested in learning more about how NaCl works, it's recommended that you read them:

For more information on libsodium, please check out the Introducing Sodium blog post

Have a general interest in cryptography? Check out the free course Coursera offers from Stanford University Professor Dan Boneh:


Important Questions

Is it "Military Grade™"?

Only if your military understands twisted Edwards curves

Does it have a lock with a checkmark?

Sure, here you go:

Checkmarked Lock

Is it full of NSA backdoors?


The design of RbNaCl's primitives is completely free from NIST (and by association, NSA) influence, with the following minor exceptions:

  • The Poly1305 MAC, used for authenticating integrity of ciphertexts, uses AES as a replaceable component
  • The Ed25519 digital signature algorithm uses SHA-512 for both key derivation and computing message digests
  • APIs are provided to certain NIST hash functions, including SHA-256, SHA-512, and their associated HMAC counterparts

Otherwise, all of the algorithms in NaCl were designed by Dan Bernstein and his collaborators.

The design choices in NaCl, particularly in regard to the Curve25519 Diffie-Hellman function, emphasize security (whereas NIST curves emphasize "performance" at the cost of security), and "magic constants" in NaCl are picked by theorems designed to maximize security. The same cannot be said of NIST curves, where the specific origins of certain constants are not described by the standards and may be subject to malicious influence by the NSA.

It is the opinion of this library's authors that Dan Bernstein is unlikely to be subject to NSA influence (although we have no way of actually knowing this).

Dan Bernstein's designs have been well-scrutinized both as part of the ESTREAM Project and the cryptographic community as a whole. And despite the emphasis on higher security, NaCl's primitives are faster across-the-board than most implementations of the NIST standards.


  • Fork this repository on Github
  • Make your changes and send a pull request
  • If your changes look good, we'll merge 'em


Copyright (c) 2013 Jonathan Stott, Tony Arcieri. Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.