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/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / sinatra-1.4.4 / lib / sinatra / main.rb

require 'sinatra/base'

module Sinatra
  class Application < Base

    # we assume that the first file that requires 'sinatra' is the
    # app_file. all other path related options are calculated based
    # on this path by default.
    set :app_file, caller_files.first || $0

    set :run, Proc.new { File.expand_path($0) == File.expand_path(app_file) }

    if run? && ARGV.any?
      require 'optparse'
      OptionParser.new { |op|
        op.on('-p port',   'set the port (default is 4567)')                { |val| set :port, Integer(val) }
        op.on('-o addr',   "set the host (default is #{bind})")             { |val| set :bind, val }
        op.on('-e env',    'set the environment (default is development)')  { |val| set :environment, val.to_sym }
        op.on('-s server', 'specify rack server/handler (default is thin)') { |val| set :server, val }
        op.on('-x',        'turn on the mutex lock (default is off)')       {       set :lock, true }

  at_exit { Application.run! if $!.nil? && Application.run? }

# include would include the module in Object
# extend only extends the `main` object
extend Sinatra::Delegator

class Rack::Builder
  include Sinatra::Delegator