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/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / rbnacl-2.0.0 / lib / rbnacl / group_elements / curve25519.rb

# encoding: binary
module RbNaCl
  module GroupElements
    # Points provide the interface to NaCl's Curve25519 high-speed elliptic
    # curve cryptography, which can be used for implementing Diffie-Hellman
    # and other forms of public key cryptography (e.g. RbNaCl::Box)
    # Objects of the Point class represent points on Edwards curves. NaCl
    # defines a base point (the "standard group element") which we can
    # multiply by an arbitrary integer. This is how NaCl computes public
    # keys from private keys.
    class Curve25519
      # NaCl's Curve25519 base point (a.k.a. standard group element), serialized as hex
      STANDARD_GROUP_ELEMENT = ["0900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"].pack("H*").freeze

      # Order of the standard group
      STANDARD_GROUP_ORDER = 2**252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493

      include KeyComparator
      include Serializable

      extend Sodium

      sodium_type      :scalarmult
      sodium_primitive :curve25519

      sodium_function  :scalarmult_curve25519,
                       [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer]

      # Number of bytes in a scalar on this curve
      SCALARBYTES = 32
      BYTES       = 32

      # Number of bytes in a scalar on this curve

      # Creates a new Point from the given serialization
      # @param [String] point location of a group element (32-bytes)
      # @return [RbNaCl::Point] the Point at this location
      def initialize(point)
        @point = point.to_str

        # FIXME: really should have a separate constant here for group element size
        # Group elements and scalars are both 32-bits, but that's for convenience
        Util.check_length(@point, SCALARBYTES, "group element")

      # Multiply the given integer by this point
      # This ordering is a bit confusing because traditionally the point
      # would be the right-hand operand.
      # @param [String] integer value to multiply with this Point (32-bytes)
      # @return [RbNaCl::Point] result as a Point object
      def mult(integer, encoding = :raw)
        integer = integer.to_str
        Util.check_length(integer, SCALARBYTES, "integer")

        result = Util.zeros(SCALARBYTES)
        self.class.scalarmult_curve25519(result, integer, @point)


      # Return the point serialized as bytes
      # @return [String] 32-byte string representing this point
      def to_bytes; @point; end

      @base_point = new(STANDARD_GROUP_ELEMENT)

      # NaCl's standard base point for all Curve25519 public keys
      # @return [RbNaCl::Point] standard base point (a.k.a. standard group element)
      def self.base; @base_point; end
      def self.base_point; @base_point; end