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/ opt / logstash / vendor / bundle / jruby / 1.9 / gems / rbnacl-2.0.0 / lib / rbnacl / hash / blake2b.rb

# encoding: binary
module RbNaCl
  module Hash
    # The Blake2b hash function
    # Blake2b is based on Blake, a SHA3 finalist which was snubbed in favor of
    # Keccak, a much slower hash function but one sufficiently different from
    # SHA2 to let the SHA3 judges panel sleep easy. Back in the real world,
    # it'd be great if we can calculate hashes quickly if possible.
    # Blake2b provides for up to 64-bit digests and also supports a keyed mode
    # similar to HMAC
    class Blake2b
      extend Sodium

      sodium_type      :generichash
      sodium_primitive :blake2b
      sodium_constant  :BYTES_MIN
      sodium_constant  :BYTES_MAX
      sodium_constant  :KEYBYTES_MIN
      sodium_constant  :KEYBYTES_MAX

      sodium_function  :generichash_blake2b,
                       [:pointer, :ulong_long, :pointer, :ulong_long, :pointer, :ulong_long]

      # Create a new Blake2b hash object
      # @param [Hash] opts Blake2b configuration
      # @option opts [String]  :key for Blake2b keyed mode
      # @option opts [Integer] :digest_size size of output digest in bytes
      # @raise [RbNaCl::LengthError] Invalid length specified for one or more options
      # @return [RbNaCl::Hash::Blake2b] A Blake2b hasher object
      def initialize(opts = {})
        @key = opts.fetch(:key, nil)

        if @key
          @key_size = @key.bytesize
          raise LengthError, "key too short" if @key_size < KEYBYTES_MIN
          raise LengthError, "key too long"  if @key_size > KEYBYTES_MAX
          @key_size = 0

        @digest_size = opts.fetch(:digest_size, BYTES_MAX)
        raise LengthError, "digest size too short" if @digest_size < BYTES_MIN
        raise LengthError, "digest size too long"  if @digest_size > BYTES_MAX

      # Calculate a Blake2b digest
      # @param [String] message Message to be hashed
      # @return [String] Blake2b digest of the string as raw bytes
      def digest(message)
        digest = Util.zeros(@digest_size)
        self.class.generichash_blake2b(digest, @digest_size, message, message.bytesize, @key, @key_size) || raise(CryptoError, "Hashing failed!")