Git Repositories

Gemfury supports storing and building packages from source with our Git repository and builder. These repositories are stored and managed separately from the built packages in your account.


You can list Git repositories of an account with:

$ fury git list -a ACCOUNT

If you want to rebuild at the tip or at an earlier revision of the repository, use git rebuild subcommand. The following command will rebuild the main branch of the repo:

$ fury git rebuild repo-name -a ACCOUNT

You can also specify an alternate branch or tag:

$ fury git rebuild repo-name --revision refs/heads/release -a ACCOUNT
$ fury git rebuild repo-name --revision v2.3.1 -a ACCOUNT
Remove & rename

Yanking a built package does not implicitly delete the source Git repository, which you can explicitly do with:

$ fury git reset repo-name -a ACCOUNT

You can also rename the repository:

$ fury git rename repo-name better-name -a ACCOUNT

Renaming a Gemfury repository will not implicitly update the [remote] entry in your project’s .git/config file. You can do so by running:

$ git remote set-url

If you need more control of your Git repos, please let us know.
